Dear Mothers,


This letter is for those who wish to return home, whose heart is in the home, those who wish to slow down and start their own home childcare.  Not baby sitting and not a large 12-16 kid childcare but a small one that will compliment your life and add extra income while allowing you to oversee your own children.  Maybe you would like to embark on the journy of educating yourself in the Montessori Method or maybe not.  Maybe you would just like the basics and a support group of others like you.  I am willing to help.  A small childcare with a renewed sence of childhood and time to enjoy the children can be very theraputic wheather you are a Professional Mom, Stay at Home Mom or Grandmother.  The heart is this: A desire to take some time off to enjoy your own children during those early and quickly passing years. 



If you want to check into Montessori, look at the link for training colleges on my site.  Mine ran about $4,000 and now needs to be after an AA but even a BA or MA depending on which college you go to.  Others are less expensive and yet still I would be willing to do a study group for those interested to get the basics down before deciding.  This could include how to get started in your own family childcare.  MIne has never been bigger than 5 however, I may put on a summer cooking school in my childcare and temporarily let it expand.


I hope you can see in my pictures that I truly enjoy what I do.  I have rediscovered the joy and gift of childhood but at a slower pace.  Working with the children through the early stages of developement and knowing what to look for in order to assist them has been very rewarding.  Also, understanding that the home can naturally have everything needed to form a lasting foundation for future learning and discovery confirms my heart for the home.  Abe Lincoln once said, "I owe all that I am to my Mother" .  If your heart is for the home so let it be and lift up your head and be proud!   If you feel you need to be restored to the home and need support, again I am here. 



 It can take time to figure out what works for you.  I have cared for two boys from 4mo to 3 yrs all the while my home has gone through many changes to assist their developement.  After three years of running my childcare, this is the first time I am officially going part time (Mon Wed Fri)  I am appealing to the Mom who needs part time care.  On my off days I attend other classes to round out my educational needs and serve in other capcitites of life.  I have three young adult children that have launched.  (too early to say how they are doing lol)  My baby girl just moved out last fall.  I close with this, the following is something I meditate on often and came from my sons master bible printed in 1947 regarding childhood:



The attitude of Jesus toward childhood is tender evidence of His thought to humanity.  The child has not yet won any achievement, save the loving assertion of its own dependency.  The child in the midst represented humanity in its freshest and most natural form.  It is said that some ancient religionists were accustomed to debate whether or not a child had a soul.  Jesus would have scorned such a debate.  He made the child the model of the kingdom.  Human life unspoiled was lifted up as an example.  To offend a little one was worse than being sunk by a millstone into the sea.  A cup of cold water given to a child would win a special reward.  The angels of the children behold ever the face of the Father.  Thus the child, in all the teaching of Jesus, was made the creditor of the race.

By Edwin H. Hughes, The Bible and Life.    



Sincerly, E.M. Thomas