Ah  man... how did we get into this mess?  I am reading Americas Childcare Problem (the way out) by Suzanne W. Helburn & Barbara R. Bergmann.  I have read about so many problems with childcare ie; nursery, preschool, half day, full day, before and after care.  The Authors on behalf of the state seem to take a really good and close objective look at the situation.  I mean they are really trying to find solutions for all the parents in the U.S.  While I am reading this, I am thinking something is wrong here...  Why are people parents don't even know trying to provide for  those parents children?  Whose responsibility are the children?  I always thought it was the parents. 

My ex-husband and I raised our children on our own while living at or below the poverty line and we really appreciated those fat Tax refund checks!  We did without alot of stuff!  We stretched the dollar!  When we went through the divorce we still took care of our kids without any help from the state.  Why have we let so much pressure come down on ourselves?  Why have we fallen prey to Hollywood and commercials that tell us what we want and don't want?  Why are the super heros on the billboards across America Starlites from Hollywood who can't even pull themselves together half the time?  Why isn't the common man who is a good Father who provides for his children on the billboards?  He is the real hero!  Ask his children!

O.K. enough ranting...  As far as I can see the California state standards are good.  If I was to open a school I would want to employ Title 5, but I wouldn't want to open a state school.  I have a (professional) friend who works in the head start system.  She is not impressed.  I still have an article to read from  Darcy Olsen with The Cato Institute   on The Fabricated Crisis in Child Care and Head Start: A Tragic Waste of Money, by Andrew J. Coulson  I was happy to learn in this book that there is an Assosiation of Christian Schools International (ACSI) for those opting out of certain state educational guidelines regarding gender roles and gender identity.